Aftercare of Veneers

Dental Veneer is a thin layer of porcelain that is placed over the front part of the tooth. Veneers are an easy way to a beautiful smile. Whether you are getting conventional veneers or no-prep veneers, it is vital to get the proper aftercare instructions and maintenance protocol. Taking care of veneers is fairly easy and can last you a very long time with few easy steps as listed below:


Brushing / Flossing:(Most Important)

Brush twice a day for a minimum of two minutes. This is imperative with veneers and your natural teeth to prevent cavities around or under veneers. Angle your toothbrush towards your gums while brushing just like how we brush around natural teeth. Make sure you do not have deposits (which can cause bacterial growth/ cavity under veneers, causing the restoration to fail) around your gum line. Pay special attention to gums around your teeth that can trap food/bacteria causing cavities.

​​​​​​​We recommend flossing at least once a day. Wrap the floss around your fingers, hug the tooth with the floss and slide the floss in between two teeth. We highly recommend using a water flosser (Waterpik) once a day for a more thorough cleaning.


Occlusal Guards/ Retainers:

Grinding and clenching of teeth can occur consciously or unconsciously, that can exert incredible amounts of pressure on your teeth and veneers. This force and pressure affect your natural teeth, any restorations that you have and also your muscles and joints. It can cause fractures/ cracks on your natural teeth as well as porcelain veneers. Porcelain used in dental veneers is harder than natural teeth structure, and also benefits from a night guard since it avoids any clenching. Night guard prevents any unusual forces on your dental veneers. You wear the occlusal guard with porcelain dental veneers only at bedtime.Occlusal guard/ night guard that we make for you should be worn every night. It prevents your top and bottom teeth from coming together and exerting pressure. It also guides your jaw in a more relaxed position allowing your muscles to relax.


Regular Dental Visits:

Visit our office minimum twice a year for regular check ups and professional cleanings. Request your dentist/hygienist to use hand scalers around your veneers and not electric scalers. You should get oral evaluations with X rays once a year to evaluate for any cavities, cracks, fractures or any other infections in your oral cavity.



Your natural teeth without veneers might change color in the future, however, porcelain veneers are color stable. To keep your natural teeth the same as your veneers or closer to your veneers, we recommend whitening. Ask us about our in-office or at home bleaching/ whitening procedures for your remaining teeth that did not receive veneers.

​​​​​​​If whitening trays are given during your post-op visit, you may begin whitening 2 weeks after receiving your final veneers, or as long as you do not feel sensitivity on your teeth with veneers and your gums are completely healed.


Avoid Damaging Habits:

Dental veneers are strong, but few habits can damage them over a long time. Chewing on Ice or really hard food objects. OR any kind of HARD food using your teeth. Biting fingernails is another detrimental habits to your porcelain veneers.


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